Scoundrel Kay Vess embarks on a planet-hopping journey in Star Wars Outlaws, searching for one major robbery that will save her from her current predicament. The Imperial troops, who are at the height of their strength and would inevitably serve as an adversary faction, are set between The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. But, Kay’s encounters with criminal syndicates and the filth and villainy they bring with him are even more crucial to the Outlaws’ experience. Every one of the scattered entities in the galaxy has a unique tale to tell, but more significantly, because of Outlaw’s reputation system, you can utilize them to your advantage whenever you see fit.

Narrative director Navid Khavari says, “Kay is going to have to navigate severe rivalries across all of [the syndicates].” “And to achieve her goals, the player will need to interact with the reputation system.”

The game director for Outlaws, Mathias Karlson, continues, “You are not pals, you are not employed, you are not pledging loyalty, you are someone surviving and attempting to grow a name [and a] reputation in this world.” Consider them to be somewhat of a means to a goal. What do I need and want right now, and what do they have to offer?” This month’s Star Wars Outlaws Gamexta First delves deeper into the gameplay effects of the reputation system, including how to influence the syndicates. Nevertheless, who are these syndicates? We spoke with Massive Entertainment’s development team members to find out about each game’s graphic design and role in the Star Wars Outlaws universe.

The Hutt Cartel

Jabba the Hutt, everyone’s favorite big slug man, leads The Hutts, arguably the most well-known of the criminal syndicates associated with Star Wars. Encircled by Bib Fortuna, Salacious Crumb, and other amusingly named associates, they initially surfaced in the 1983 film Return of the Jedi, assuming the role of Tatooine’s cabal. They are straightforward, unafraid to take out their frustrations on anyone who plays games with them, and they adore the power that comes with having galactic credits.

According to Khavari, “The idea with the Hutts is essentially what you see is what you get.” “They take what they want, they are not hesitant to use force, and they are just really strong.”

According to Marthe Jonkers, associate art director at Massive, “The Hutt Syndicate is inspired by [what you have seen before] because Jabba the Hutt is a highly recognizable character in the Star Wars galaxy.”Therefore, in addition to movie characters like Gamorian guards, you will encounter enforcers.”

Pyke Syndicate

Anyone who watched Star Wars: The Clone Wars or The Book of Boba Fett will be able to recognize the Pyke Syndicate but do not anticipate them to appear precisely like you remember.

According to Jonkers, “They have a very distinctive look.” “They are Pykes, but they are not the Pykes you have seen in other television programs.” We truly took a distinct approach when it came to color schemes. They therefore have a lot more dark blue colors, and we also gave them a lot more graphic design work. As a result, you will see that they have distinct patterns on their helmets and clothes that indicate their rank or group affiliation. They are not quite as structured as a military force, but they do have several troops with various weapons and abilities, for instance, and you will notice a difference in that.

Crimson Dawn

Crimson Dawn seems to be becoming more and more influential throughout the galaxy as more Star Wars stories are produced. The syndicate known as Crimson Dawn, headed by Emilia Clarke’s character Lady Qi’ra from Solo: A Star Wars Story, is in charge of holding the auction for Han Solo’s frozen carbonite wall decoration in the comic books. Jabba and the Hutts won the prize by outbidding the Pyke Syndicate.

Crimson Dawn seems to be becoming more and more influential throughout the galaxy as more Star Wars stories are produced. The syndicate known as Crimson Dawn, headed by Emilia Clarke’s character Lady Qi’ra from Solo: A Star Wars Story, is in charge of holding the auction for Han Solo’s frozen carbonite wall decoration in the comic books. Jabba and the Hutts won the prize by outbidding the Pyke Syndicate.

He says, “I will leave it to others to investigate and dive into, but Crimson Dawn is up to something very, very fascinating, especially if you look at some of the wider media.” But in terms of Lady Qi’ra’s character, this time is significant.

Their visual style reflects the group’s shady character, which enables them to blend in with whatever environment they may be in while still leaving their mark when they wish to be seen.

Ashiga Clan

One of the five playable planets and moons in Star Wars Outlaws, Kijimi is home to the Ashiga Clan, a new syndicate formed by Massive in association with LucasFilm. The Ashiga Clan was last seen in The Rise of Skywalker. Though they are new to the canon of Star Wars, people with more knowledge of that distant galaxy may recognize the alien species they originate from.

“They are entirely new, although for the Ashiga clan, we did use an existing species called the Melitto, and there are many different elements to them,” says Jonkers. Since they are blind, they use other senses, and it was fascinating to create an entire syndicate without using vision. Thus, there are lots of tactile components in all of their designs.

Zerek Besh

The main enemy of the Outlaws is the shadowy syndicate known as Zerek Besh, which operates outside the reputation system. The Zerek Besh is more of a far-off, menacing menace than it is in the other four crime gangs, where you will be able to engage with them and create or break relationships as the plot develops. They are pursued by Sliro, a guy who, at the start of Kay’s narrative, marked her with a “death mark,” compelling her to flee.

Regarding the Zerek Besh, Navari remarks, “It is an extraordinarily affluent organization.” They are more of a newcomer to the galaxy and the syndicates, and they have their plans. We wanted to handle them as though they were the newest team member. Kay is therefore essentially running away from both of them and Sliro. They are actively looking for her, and she is sort of utilizing the other syndicates to obtain what she needs to carry out a heist that would allow her to escape their custody.


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