We are already getting excited that when will PlayStation Plus will announce its new game release. Finally, we are glad to announce PlayStation plus finally revealed some names of the games they are releasing in the first month of January and those are Axion Verge 2, Fall Out 76, and Wars Jedi: Fallen Order.
This is the new of these three and will be released on PlayStation Plus on January 3. Fulfill your gaming dreams by playing these games this winter holidays.
Star wars Jedi will come on this January 17 .for all the star wars fans who are waiting for its release their wait will be over this January. These stars will be released on ps4 and ps5 for the first time this upcoming January.

The next one is Fallout 76 which will be also released this January for the PlayStation 4. It is an online sequel to the Fallout series that lets players from all over the world work together—or not—to survive a nuclear apocalypse. Its first part was released in 2018 and now this fallout series’ next part is coming this January which has a new story and is full of new thrills.
Another game that is releasing in 2023 January is axiom verge 2 for ps5 and ps4. It is the sequel of axiom verge which is a 2d retro-style action game. This will also be seen in action very soon.
All the pro gamers waited long for these games, as they are very excited to play these games, soon their wait will be over and they can hands-on their favorite game in January 2023.