In November, Six Days in Fallujah will receive a significant upgrade, including the first of its planned documentary story missions. Its two-story missions, dubbed the Command and Control update, will center on the start of the Second Battle of Fallujah, which started on November 7, 2004, and featured some of the worst combat of the conflict.

In November, Six Days in Fallujah will receive a significant upgrade, including the first of its planned documentary story missions. Its two-story missions, dubbed the Command and Control update, will center on the start of the Second Battle of Fallujah, which started on November 7, 2004, and featured some of the worst combat of the conflict.

It is noteworthy because, although Six Days in Fallujah has been accessible on Steam through early access since November 2023, the story missions—dubbed one of the game’s main inspirations—have only recently been made public. Six Days in Fallujah has mostly consisted of solo quests situated in randomly generated environments up until now.

Six Days in Fallujah, according to its publisher Victura, is a realistic portrayal of the fighting and was produced in conjunction with more than 100 American soldiers and two dozen Iraqi military and civilians. However, since it was first revealed back in 2009, the subject matter has drawn attention, and it was once completely scrapped.

The story missions are part of a wider update that includes the new Fireteam AI system, which makes it possible to give instructions to three NPC squadmates and boasts “more than 300 technical upgrades,” including updates to the AI. In addition to the story missions, Six Days in Fallujah’s Command and Control update will feature a new HLZ procedural mission, which may be played solo or with up to four other players.

On November 7, the update will be available on Steam for free. The PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S console versions are still under development and should launch in 2025 alongside the game’s full version.


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